Today was back to school for most students in NYC.
As I troll through Facebook (after being away from it for a week), I smile at all the first day of school pictures - students looking fresh, bright-eyed, and bushy tailed with happy faces (mostly) holding signs that say "the first day of (insert appropriate grade)."
There are many memes of happy parents doing their happy dances, others sending their babies off with tissues in hand with a small amount of regret and a big dose of love...
Behind all these photos belie a parent's fears - a little bit of worry, concern for their babies:
Will they be alright? What challenges will they face? Did I do enough? Will they do well? What about friends? Teachers? And the list of "will they" and "what ifs" goes on and on.
Here are five "must do's" to ensure a successful year:
I. Have your child identify what s/he thinks is going to be the biggest challenge to overcome this year
It doesn't matter if you agree or not, giving them the power to voice what they are worried about is cathartic.
2. Set goals
Then, with your child, come up a plan. What steps need to be taken to reach their goals. Include 1 or 2 action steps or strategies to use if and when they face a challenge. Write specific steps down. These have to be steps your child feels he or she is able to implement.
3. Have a morning routine
Make sure it involves breakfast. Starting the day with calm and purpose follows a student throughout. The importance of breakfast has been well documented. There are many things you can do to alleviate the morning stress - getting proper sleep, laying out clothes and lunches the night before, having a breakfast "menu", no screen time (TV, computer/tablet, phone) - but it comes down to having a routine. And a start to the day "routine" that involves skipping breakfast, adding stress, chaos, and mayhem (I'm thinking back to getting my 4 dressed and out the door on time) definitely steps on one's zen.
4. Homework Time
Make it your child's responsibility. Set up a regular time and a specific space, free from distraction (tv, phone, etc). (You can even shut off "screens" until homework is done.) Once established, and the habit is built, there's an end to much of the homework battles.
5. Be Involved
Your child’s teacher will be a huge part of his/her life for the next nine months. Establish a positive relationship with your child’s teacher from the start, one that respects each other's boundaries, and maintain an open dialogue. Fit school functions into your schedule. Attend back to school nights, volunteer (find out school policy) when you can.
If you are someone who is looking for wisdom and support, schedule a SKYROCKET YOUR CHILD'S SUCCESS SESSION today.
We'll look at their goals, challenges they are facing, opportunities they might be missing. We'll also uncover hidden problems that may be sabotaging their desired results.
You'll leave the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get results faster and easier then you thought possible. And you'll have a plan of action to do just that.
A workshop for PARENTS who are committed to growing their kids' confidence, tapping into their potential, and allowing their genius to shine.
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